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All about Hip Replacement Surgery and Recovery: Questions and Answers about the Procedure, Risk of Surgical Complications, What to Expect about Your Surgery.


Is hip replacement surgery the best

option for your hip pain?


Has your nagging hip pain or a hip fracture forced you to consider getting a hip replacement? While most people dread the idea of any replacement surgery, hundreds of thousands of successful hip replacements are performed annually. Hip replacement surgery has evolved significantly since the first one was performed over 50 years ago and is now one of the most successful of all surgical procedures performed.


Osteoarthritis is the leading cause of the need for hip replacement surgery due to the pain experienced from normal activities such as exercising, walking and sitting. Other causes are rheumatoid arthritis, hip injuries such as fractures and avascular necrosis. Some patients seek a hip replacement due to hip dysplasia occurring in childhood. Sometimes it is merely stiffness and constant discomfort that will prompt a patient to inquire about this surgery. If your pain is not easily managed by therapy and medication, it may be time to consult with a knowledgeable surgeon.


How Do You Know If You Require A Require Hip Replacement?

Whatever your reasons for wanting information about hip replacement surgery, you will want to understand what is entailed in the procedure and the process of recovering from the surgery. You will want to seek a well-regarded orthopedic surgeon to consult with about your symptoms. Ask several people for referrals, especially if you know someone who has had a hip replacement. If you have a physician or health care specialist, they may know who is the best in your area. The leading surgery guide, Recover Quickly From Surgery, has a list of the leading questions to ask your surgeon regarding the details of having surgery. These questions, once answered, will give you the necessary information about your condition, the nature of surgery and what results you can expect from the procedure.The orthopedic surgeon will want to take a medical history about the hip and your general health. In addition, they will test the functionality of the hip and assess it via x-rays and possibly an MRI.


If you are able to do so, gather as many details as possible about the surgical procedure. Recent clinical tests have shown that the better-informed patients are, the faster they heal.


Your surgeon may recommend alternatives to surgery such as maintaining an anti-inflammatory nutritional regime, more exercise, weight loss, medications and injections. Some of these alternatives are more thoroughly explored in Recover Quickly From Surgery as a means to enhance results should you elect to get surgery. If they determine that you require surgery, the procedure consists of replacing the damaged joint surfaces with metal and plastic implants. Once full recovery is realized, you will experience an improved range of motion in your hip with little or no pain.


The doctor may show you the appliance that will act as your new hip. While sturdy, these appliances are also subject to wear and tear, so be sure to ask your surgeon about future activities, the length of time they will last and possible future need for a second replacement.


If you are in good health, chances are good that your surgery will greatly reduce hip pain and increase the ability to lead a more normal life. If you are a smoker, overweight, have a chronic medical condition, you may need to also see a specialist to evaluate if you are a candidate for hip surgery. In addition to a medical evaluation, you may need blood and urine tests to determine immune system function as well as an EKG to determine heart function.

You may wish to donate blood if you are a candidate. If not, a relative may volunteer to do so.


How to Prepare for Hip Surgery

In addition, the essential guide to help you prepare and recover from surgery, Recover Quickly From Surgery, will assist you in your preparations in the weeks prior to your surgery. Specific diet and nutritional changes, stopping smoking and increasing fitness are some of the topics that are covered to insure your speedy and thorough recovery.

You will want to enhance your immune system to decrease the possibility of infection. If you have several weeks before your surgery, there are several suggestions on how to do this in the guide. Once the surgery is complete, your surgeon will examine and monitor your wound and your prosthesis via blood work.

Planning for proper home care is essential and your surgeon’s office will assist you specific planning to recover at home. To avoid dislocation of the new hip joint, you must avoid crossing your legs, internal or external rotation of the hip joint or bending your hips more than 90 degrees for several months. Avoiding falls is critical and creating a trip free environment is first on the list of preparing to successfully recover from hip surgery.


Other considerations include planning to recover in the hospital and at home safely. Recover Quickly From Surgery assists you in this planning process, as will your surgeon’s office. It will also give you a list of how to modify your home to prevent falls.


Prepare to fast the night before. In addition, it important to not drink alcohol or smoke within 48 hours prior to your surgery.


Your Hip Operation

The length of the procedure will depend on your health and the type of hip replacement done. Many surgeons are now using an anterior approach that results in a shorter incision. You will be asked to enter the hospital the day of the surgery and remain there post surgery for several days while you recover. This allows you to be monitored for infection and blood clots. These topics are covered well in Recover Quickly From Surgery.

Because the surgery usually takes between one and three hours, many patients often note side-effects from the anesthesia post surgery. Tips on how to ameliorate these symptoms are also found in the guide.


Understanding The Risks Or Complications With Hip Surgery

There are always associated risks with any surgery such as blood clots, infection, damage to surrounding nerves/tendons, and numbness. Your goal is to prepare now to reduce the risks of infection by strengthening your immune system, maintaining an anti-inflammatory diet and following doctor’s orders. Make sure you ask your surgeon many questions about the potential complications associated with this kind of surgery. Typical complications might be:


1. Blood clots

2. Dislocation of the new ball joint after surgery.

3. Fractures of your healthy sections of your hip during surgery.

4. Wear and tear of or breakage of your new joint some years after surgery.

5. Change in leg length


Ask your surgeon about the risk of these complications.






After Your Hip Replacement Surgery: What To Expect

You will experience pain after the surgery that will require medication. However, those patients who utilized simple pre-surgical preparations outlined in Recover Quickly From Surgery often reduced the need for long-term pain medication. You will require medication for several weeks after recovery, especially at bedtime and in conjunction with therapy.

Your doctor will also monitor the possibility of blood clots forming in the legs, breaking free and moving into the lungs. Medication, support hose and inflatable leg coverings as well as exercising soon after surgery will all aid in the prevention of blood clots. You will want to monitor pain, swelling, tenderness or redness in the calf and leg.

Once you have had your surgery, you will need to manage your pain with medication and ice, engage in physical therapy, as well as do home exercises to increase range of motion. The physical therapist will teach you specific exercises to increase range of motion as well as strengthen the muscles in the leg. Patients use a walker, crutches or a cane to get around in the first weeks. Resumption of normal activities usually occurs in four to six weeks after surgery. In six to ten weeks, most patients are recovered enough to resume work and some sports.


There is an entire chapter on natural pain management in the book. These alternative suggestions can help you get off potentially addictive pain medication earlier. Also, there are a number of suggestions offered in Recover Quickly From Surgery regarding wound care and the prevention of scarring. Several integrative health modalities reduce the size of scars and offer an acceleration of wound healing.


You will need to discuss your post surgical expectations for activity with your surgeon. Once you can drive and walk some distances, you may seek help from physical therapists, non-force chiropractors and acupuncturists who will aid you in recovering back to the way you used to feel before the hip pain.


Why You Need to Prepare Now For Your Approaching Hip Replacement Surgery.

Your recovery starts now, even before your surgery, giving your body enough time to build up your immune system and reduce inflammation. The best thing you can do is start preparing now for your approaching surgery is to educate yourself on the crucial things you can do to reduce your pain, swelling, scarring as well as decrease your risk for infection. Recover Quickly From Surgery is the essential, easy-to-read guide that best prepares your for your operation. Backed by clinical research, if you follow its easy protocols, you may experience less pain and a faster recovery.


Clinical research shows that patients who followed a preparatory regime of weight loss, anti-inflammatory diet, strengthening exercise and proper supplementation recovered quickly with less pain medication and increased range of motion. Although it may take months to completely recover, most patients, now pain free, are very pleased that they had their hip replaced. If you are well educated and well prepared, you too can plan to recover quickly and thoroughly. Don’t undertake surgery without the assistance of this essential guide, Recover Quickly From Surgery.


Don't have surgery without it!!!


"GREAT book. GREAT advice. I followed Dr. Girard's suggestions before having major surgery; resulting in a comfortable, easy recovery, requiring very limited pain medication. Wish I'd known these tips before previous surgeries!!! -J. Cleaveron


This information presented on this website and in the book is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease, illness or injury and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and. Rather, it is provided for educational purposes only. Please be aware that this information is provided to supplement the care provided by your physician. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment, nor is it meant to discourage the reader or user from obtaining advice from his or her physician. Any dietary or lifestyle change should be undertaken only occur with the approval and supervision of your physician. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this book or website, please review and discuss the options herein with your surgeon and primary physician, especially if you have an unusual medical condition or other constraint that might conflict with some or all of the information presented. If you are pregnant, nursing, have cancer or currently are using prescription medications, you should also consult with your physician before making any dietary or lifestyle changes proposed herein.




This information presented on this website and in the book is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease, illness or injury and has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and. Rather, it is provided for educational purposes only. Please be aware that this information is provided to supplement the care provided by your physician. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment, nor is it meant to discourage the reader or user from obtaining advice from his or her physician. Any dietary or lifestyle change should be undertaken only occur with the approval and supervision of your physician. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this book or website, please review and discuss the options herein with your surgeon and primary physician, especially if you have an unusual medical condition or other constraint that might conflict with some or all of the information presented. If you are pregnant, nursing, have cancer or currently are using prescription medications, you should also consult with your physician before making any dietary or lifestyle changes proposed herein.



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