The Essential Top Questions to Ask Your Surgeon Before Having Surgery:

Everyone should compile a list of their most important questions for their surgeons before their surgical operation.
It is essential to communicate with your surgeon any concerns, questions, fears before your surgical procedure. If you ask your surgeon very detailed questions, the more likely you will receive more thorough, ​poignant answers. Bring paper with you, write down as many​ detailed questions as possible in advance and allow room ​beneath each question for the physician’s answers. You may want to bring someone with you that will write down answers to your questions and concerns if you are unable.
We have provided a few key questions to ask your doctor from the 2014 surgical guide, Recover Quickly From Surgery. Read them before discussing your procedure with your surgeon and add any additional questions that come to mind. You may wish to print these out with your additional questions and include space to write the answers. For a complete list of questions, purchase Recover Quickly From Surgery.
Research shows the more you prepare for surgery, the better the outcome.
Key Questions to Ask Your Surgeon Before Your Surgical Operation:
A few excerpts listed in the book Recover Quickly From Surgery:
• Is this surgery necessary? Are there any other options instead of surgery? What are the risks and benefits? What are all of the complete surgical options?
• Urgency: How soon do you need to have the surgery? How long can you prolong having surgery?
• Are they aware of any natural or complimentary therapies? Are they open to you exploring them?
• Can your surgery be done with less invasive procedures such as a laparoscopy or robotic surgery? Can your surgeon perform laparoscopies?
​• How many surgeries of this kind has your surgeon performed in the past?
• What is their success rate for their surgeries of this kind? What is the overall success rate for anyone having your surgery?
• What are the predictable outcomes? What can you expect from the surgery? What are the risks and their percentages for occurrence? What are the possible side effects?
• What is the normal length of recovery? Does the surgeon have any suggestions for speeding up recovery?
• Is there a possibility that cancer is involved? If so, you might want to consult an oncologist who is also a surgeon. You may be asked to sign an agreement advising your surgeons, should they find cancer.
*This is a partial list of questions. For the complete list, get your guide.
"Crucial reading for pre- and post-surgery care. Advice your surgeon won't give you -- and most surgeons don't even know this information." K. DLP.