About Authors Dr. Valerie Girard and Michelle Gysan of Recover Quickly From Surgery

Dr. Valerie Girard: Completed her Doctor of Chiropractic in 1982. She established a family chiropractic practice in Santa Barbara, California where over the last 30 years, she has developed and utilized a wide variety of complementary medicine protocols. She currently teaches courses to health practitioners about pre habilitation before surgery procedures. D She has also taught complementary medicine courses to other health practitioners both locally and nationally. She has lectured at health symposiums as well as taught at Los Angeles College of Chiropractic and the Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine. In addition, to publishing Recover Quickly from Surgery, she has authored over 300 articles on both health and energetic medicine, which she shares with an international audience.
Michelle Gysan: With over twenty years of marketing and entrepreneurial experience, co-author Michelle K. Gysan enjoys developing new companies that provide unique solutions for clients in various industries. With expertise in internet marketing and business development, she enjoyed researching, co-writing and launching this important guide with Dr. Girard to help patients navigate more easily through their surgical recovery.